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Finally, being back in bringing to you guys the latest fresh spoiler there is in town. I will be once again bringing to you Bleach Chapter 355 Spoilers, for a month, i wasnt able to give you guys the exact, Bleach Chapter 355 Spoilers so im really sorry for that, but now we are back, if you want to know what happens next on bleach chapter 355, then you just came to the right place, i will be bringing to you guys the live hits for the bleach 355 spoilers on its very own chapter. WE have seen it all, on how ichigo changed into something so powerful not even ulqiourra can outstand. well lets see what happens next as bleach continues on to its chapter 355, which will be featured here as this weeks spoiler.
As of now the raw chapter of bleach 355 is still unavailable, i will just check back on you guys whenever i get to have the spoilers i need to let you guys see the bleach 355 spoilers that you are looking for, as of now, just wait and visit back techoccult to find any update on the bleach chapter 355 spoilers. Cheers!

Watch Nonito Donaire vs. Raul Martinez Live Stream, If you are looking for a place to watch Nonito Donaire vs. Raul Martinez fight live stream,then this is the palce you should be, I will be featuring to you guys the live stream match up for this april 2009, the IBF flyweight title of donaire will be at stake, now if you cant wait to Watch Nonito Donaire vs. Raul Martinez Live Stream, then check out what i have prepared for you just right below.

The tale of the tape, Nonito Donaire won 20 (KO 13) + lost 1 (KO 0) + drawn 0 and Raul Martinez won 24 (KO 14) + lost 0 (KO 0) + drawn 0, You better not miss this one out, as you can watch the full live stream of Nonito Donaire vs. Raul Martinez. they will be fight at the Araneta Coliseum, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines 12 rounds of boxing knockout, well here is the preview video just for you guys, watch it now, and check it out.

I will be posting the links to watch Nonito Donaire vs. Raul Martinez Live Stream, hours before the fight, so just keep getting in touch, and i will post you off. right here enjoy!

Another great manga that will be added to out weekly anime review is right here, To love Ru, You get to read here the latest TO love Ru chapters, Starting off with Chapter 143, Find out why we decided to feature this manga chapter here, and please do read our To love Ru Chapter 143 Manga Review! thanks!

To Love Ru chapter 143 “hand and tail”

another addition to manga review!!

the title is pretty easy to tell, another day in the house of Rito, he is in Lala’s Room, which has a lot of junk pilling up! Rito then picked up one of Lalas experiment which was lying in the floor which gave his an a electric shock after the shock accidentaly grabbed Lalas sensitive tail, now you can see the who the title was refering to. hehe, Lala asked Rito to let go of her tail but Ritos hands wont let go! now Mikan and the others seen the posotion of the two and tries to help, but they decided to wait until the effect is gone! after this we have cute little scene like Lala going to the bathroom, Rito not going to good using his left hand so Lala assisted him but again pulled her tail causing the soup to drop on his face, but Ritos misfortune for the day has just began, another scene were Lala is taking a bath but needs soap and went out naked, again pulling her tail causing another misunderstanding. during the night when they were about to sleep Lala said that even though today was a terrible day she is still glad to spend it with him, how sweet! as the effect of the machine wear off! Rito was over excited now Celine was holding the machine and got a shock too, and got stuck on Ritos face, and another day of misfortune began!! well till next tym!!

by aldech0i

Here is another chapter from Mahou Sensei Negima, This anime is really cool, i got to read the whole chapter and i still am interested on whats happening next, well if you havent started this you better right now, Mahou Sensei Negima chapter 247 anime review is found below, you can start and check it out now. enjoy our Mahou Sensei Negima chapter 247 review!

Mahou Sensei Negima chapter 247: Trump Card Glory

Negi unleashes his Trumo Card number 3 the “Duplex Complexio” now face to face with Rakan, the battle begins again! Negi started the fight using his Kenpo skills mixed with his magic the so called invulnerable Rakan was blown away but he is still smiling, eventhough Negi is as Fast as lightning! no, even more than Lightning, it was callled “Perpetual Lightning” Negis battle technique has change, instead of Hitting and Running he faces Rakan head on, relying only in his Accelerated reflex to protect him! even though taking in thousands of punches Rakan still stand tall, living in his title “the man who cannot die”, “the immortal fool”, “that damn guy who you can stab with swords all you like and it wont do a thing” whew now thats a title!! the master of Negi, Evangeline commented ” he is still lacking in sheer power”! Rakan questioned him in his final trump cards power, but Negi replied it wasnt his Last trump card, an he walked in his trap perfectly! with a combo with Kotarou Rakan was trapped Negi casted out a spell the Lightning God Lance Titan Slayer” a technique Negi made himself, even leaving his master Eva shocked! still Rakan accepts the challenge! in a pure contest of Strength Rakan wont back down that easily! Rakan fired but still Negi didnt throw his Lance, when Rakans power almost reaching Negi, he absorded Rakans power to himself! using Rakan strength against him! too bad it only ends there! well have to wait another week!! see yas next time!!

by aldech0i

For this weeks dose of Naruto Manga, we present to you another manga chapter review we have for you. Here is the naruto manga chapter 443 review. You can check out the latest happenings in the battle of pein and naruto, and with naruto meeting his father. Well for the exact details, just read out our naruto manga chapter 443! cheers!

Naruto Manga chapter 443 ” the meeting”

In the intense start of the manga we see Pain had a direct hit from Narutos Rasengan! both of them has fallen to the ground after the attack! finally the last Pain was defeated. as Pain laid on the ground Naruto remembere the conversation they had about wanting to have peace,, justce, and having the same Pain. Naruto stabbed his hand with Pains receiver that is connected to his body. on the other side Hinata was now healed by Sakura, huuraay!! then it was announced that Naruto defeated Pain, but very exhausted and plans to go to the original Pain all alone, well still friends are friends, and they intend to give Naruto some back up against his will. Naruto was then caught up by the other elder ninjas from the village and talked to them about finding the original Pain and having a conversation with him. finally Naruto reached Pain! he was Hiding in a tall tree made out of paper made by Konan! finally the two have met face to face!! well better luck next time

by aldech0i

I cant believe that it is already a week, well i cant let that from stopping us from giving you this update on Bleach manga chapter 353 review. Here is the latest happenings for Bleach chapter 353. You get to read here the latest info and events that happened for the bleach manga chapter 353, Read the anime revie just right below now!

Bleach Manga chapter 353 ” the Ash”

on the last chapter we saw that Ulquiorra is still alive and was going for a sneak attack, Now one of Hollow Ichigos horns got cut!

Enjoy the nice summer picture!!! wheeewww really hot in here!! hehhe

ahheeemm moving on, after the attack Ichigos mask suddenly breaks revealing Ichigos face with long hair and was knock unconscious, after being knocked down he suddenly stood up again and the hole that Ulquiorra blew up suddenly closes, High speed regenerartion, finnaly the real Ichigo came back, not knowing what he has done. he is explaining that he wasnt the one fighting it was all the Hollow inside him, like we didnt know that already, so he asked Ulquiorra to cut of his arm and leg so that they can battle in equal footing, and Ulquiorra obliged by his conditions but suddenly his wing is turning into ash, then he asked Ichigo to kill him. but Ichigo refused saying this is not the way he wanted to win, then Ulquiorra asked Inoue if he is scared of him, Inoue replied that she isnt. then Ulquiorra vanish like dust in the wind. hmm i smell a little love story from Ulquiorra and Inoue, or is it just me. well another battle ended! i want to know what happened to the Hollow!! is it back or is it sealed again? well till next time

by aldech0i

Do you guys know Mahou Sensei Negima? for those who do, then good news, starting today we will be featuring this manga here at techoccult. you can see the whole chapter 246 being reviewed right here, if you havent read Mahou Sensei Negima then i suggest you start of, this is one of the coolest manga ever. For more info on Mahou Sensei Negima manga chapter 346, check out below!

Mahou Sensei Negima chapter 246 ” Victory for youre sake!”

yo!! heres the new manga im interested in and hopefully youll like it too!!
its Mahou Sensei Negi! its a story about a genius Mage who became a teacher in an ordinary all girls school, In search for his father! the greatest Mage that ever lived!! with the help of his friends they entere the magic world filled with danger.. well thats it for the summary, no heres Mahou Sensei Negima chapter 246!!!

Negi is down on the ground, and is now being counted, then he remembers the promise he had with Ako, after that he stood up coughing out blood. Rakan, stood there praising Negi for doing a good job, for having his new formed technique the ” Riasoku Shundou”,and is talking to Negi about giving up the battle, saying there is nothing to be ashamed of. but he wouldnt acknowledge Negi as a full grown man yet, and the secret about his mother will be further delayed, Negi cant accept then he summoned the technique he learned from his master the “dark Evangel”, Kotarou is also back in his feet, now with the two of them back, the fight is about to restart. Negi needs 43 seconds to activate his dark skill, so Kotarou is asked to back him up. Kotarou accelerates after being hit by the shadow technique of the Enemy an explosion was seen as the smoke cleared up, a beast appeared Kotarous transformation, a dark wolf with three tails, holding Asuna’s sword ” the sword that can dispell any magic, on the other hand Rakan was charging towards Negi, kotarou countered trying to stop him no matter what it takes for 43 seconds but Rakan is not on the same level, he withstood Kotarous attacked and beat him down, now only 5 seconds to go, will Negi complete the chant before Rakan can reach him??? well we’ll see next time..

For our naruto anime review, here is the naruto manga chaoter 442 overview and review. IF you havent read the manga yet, then you better do, or else you get to miss alot of really coold events between the battle of pein and naruto. anyway, read along below for our naruto chapter 442 review on the manga! enjoy reading naruto manga chapter 442!

Naruto manga chapter 442 ” the Last Gamble”
the first page was in color cool, we see Sakura healing the injured Hinata, with the thought of Hinata’s feeling towards Naruto, i smell an air of jealousy.
Now the final battle between Naruto and Pain is starting, Naruto started the attack with a Shadow Rasen Shuriken, Pain managed to dodge the first, and a second one was coming, then a sneak attack from Naruto he conceal his Bunshins as Rocks that surrounded Pain but they werent able to catch him, and again Manage to dodge the second one which sliced everything it passes, Now only 4 seconds before he can use the God Realm technique, Naruto used two Rasen Shuriken and Pain thought the battle was over, upon landing on a stone Kagebunshin disguised as rocks now surrounded Pain, 2 seconds left just before the kagebunshins reached Pain the timer went zero, causing the Kagebunshin to be blown away, all the bunshin supported the real Naruto to withstand the pressure, causing Pain another 5 second delay to use his skill, A direct hit with the technique that Jiraiya taught him, the Rasengan!! is the fight over? did naruto win? well know next week! well see yas

WE are back with the 6th lust on the manga, A lot has happen guys, and we are really eager for the next batches to come, If you guys havent read the manga 352, then here is a short summary and review of everything, you can check it out right below for the manga chapter 352 review, bleach 352 was really great, this time its time you guys see how bleach 352 came in. enjoy our review on bleach manga chapter 352! cheerS!

Bleach Manga chapter 352 ” the Lust 6″

the 1st page we see Rukia having the upper hand against her enemy, Rudobone!, Just freezing the branches that made the enemy soldiers was enough to defeat Rudbone, but suddenly Yammy appeared right before them, Including Chad and Renji, Chad described the New Yammy to be bigger than when they fought him before. But Yammy wasnt interested in them, he was provoked by Ishida Uryuu. from a distance a big explosion was heard, after the smoked cleared up, only half body of Ulquiorra was left, when the hollow Ichigo flashed to finish Ulquiorra Ishida suddenly appeared and stopped him, But it was Uryuus big mistake, the Hollow Ichigo didnt listen But instead it turned against Uryuu, stabbing Ishida with his Zangetsu, after that we go to Inoues Emotional scene, thinking that the reason she went there is to Help Ichigo and not be a burden but it turned out the other way around, Now the Hollow Ichigo is ready for another shot with his Cero, aiming directly at Inoue, then a surprise attack comming from the back it was Ulquiorra, he can still move due to his fast regeneration power as explained in the previous chapter, after that there was another explosion, whats going to happen next? who has the upper hand? well seee you next week!!!!

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